Pricing as low as ₹.25000* per video.
We’ve a curated network of over 100 videographers across 20+ cities. Each one of our creators has been hand-picked based on their experience and knowledge in framing the perfect shot.
Download city network list -
The biggest impediment to multi-city shoots is TAC expenses (travel, accommodation and catering). Our city based, vetted crew produces high quality video content and will work as an extension of your own team, supervised by our video specialists – your single point of contact.
We have streamlined the process of executing a Videoshoot by creating SOPs for call sheets, references and file transfer, and naming protocols. This ensures aligning expectations and also rapid delivery of footage using cloud drives.
Need an enterprise level plan? Speak to our video-specialist
*These are footage only packages. For our editing packages, reach out to us. Taxes are additional.
Be it an interview, a testimonial or a live event, Unyque can get it done.